miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Learn a new language is very important today, it opens a lot of doors, it gives you a new vision of the world. English isn´t my favourite language, I prefer italian or ukrainian. These languages have an interesting "touch", when you speak italian, the pronunciation change the way you say the same thing, when you do it, you´re a new person, it's the same with ukrainian, from the way they write to the way they speak makes of this language an amazing thing to learn.

Let´s talk about learning english at university. At least for me it´s very good, It really helps me with my pronunciation and to write better. Write blogs helps me to organize my thoughts and write better as I said.
The aspects that I need to improve is my pronunciation, it´s hard for me to pronounce a couple things, I don´t know, maybe it´s because I used to practice other languages with a different pronunciation and intonation. It´s very different the way to speak english than italian, I´m used to speak more italian.

Outside the english class I use english every day, when I watch videos on youtube, reviews of fragrances, a couple videos of footwork (salsa), when I watch series (I usually watch series without subtitles), when I want to know something about a thing most of the times is in english, so I have to use it. Also when I text one of my friends from Lyon. I use it a lot, today English is an universal language, we must to learn and use english every single day.

Today doesn´t matter what, you must to know english if you want more opportunities for everything, as I said it opens a lot of doors, even knowing only spanish and english isn´t enough in some places, so why we should speak only 2 languages? It´s so interesting learn new languages and cultures. Learn any language only brings you good things.

Studying Architecture

For me architecture is a beautiful career, but there´s a lot of things that make it a very bad one.
this is my first years studying this career so I don´t know so much like others, until now the subjects are very abstract, they teach us about the different spaces, shades, how to describe an space in a good way, analize different parts of santiago and other things.

Without any doubt one of the worst things of study architecture is the workload. There´s days I don´t sleep at all, because I have to do model or similar. Yesterday I was dancing in the academy and literally I had to stop because I was so tired and I couldn´t do the combination, I felt my body so heavy, when it ended I went to my apartment to sleep. This is something very common in an architecture student´s life. Sometimes all the effort give us a good result, but sometimes it doesn´t.

we all know that in Fau we have a lot of problems, in some areas of the university it looks like it´s falling apart (and It´s!!!), It´s a very old building. We deserve a better place to study, it´s really shocking the contrast of FAU with FEN.

The teaching methods in fau is complicated topic to talk about, I have teachers that make me improve always, but i´ve had some "experiences" with a couple teachers that made me think I wasn´t enough and It shouldn´t be like this. Some of them shouldn´t be teaching, because they´re bad at it, it´s just simple as that.

Studying architecture here has pros and cons, but I still like the career.

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

When you have a pet  your life becomes better, dogs, cats, hamsters, the typical animals. Most of people prefer a "new" dog than a Street dog, it´s a shame. I think is neccesary to change this mentality. Buy a new better doesn´t make it better, just as simple like that. I prefer without doubt that adoption is better, buying a pet makes them an object, a thing i´m sure they aren´t.

Now we´re talking about pets, let´s talk about exotic pets. I think it depends of the conditions of the situation, I´ve read some situations where people save this animals, because they don´t have an opportunity to live in the nature. another case is just because people want to have it, to upload photos in their social medias, they don´t care about is their pet is good or if they have the right conditions to keep it.

Immigration, It doesn´t have any relation with the previous topic at first, but for me it does. Here in chile happens a particular situation, with people from a "Important" country for example Germany, USA, Chileans becomes the better host they could ever ask, but it´s the opposite with people from....i don´t know, Haiti for example. Chileans treat them like animals, they take advantage of their poor situation, most of the chileans becomes a nightmare. I hate them so much, this kind of people is one of the worst thing in the world. people who leaves all behind to get more opportunities for their families doesn´t deserve this. Not all the people have a good situation to be "legal", they just want to escape from their countries in some situations. It´s pretty obvious that I disagree with people like Trump.

The last topic I want to talk today is about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases. My personal opinion is that people who have the power in Chile and make the laws seems to take womens as an animal who can´t have an opinion. For me women should have the power to decide what happens with their bodies and do something about it. However I have an internal conflict when I think it´s correct the proposition of make it legal in 3 cases, because in a situation like 2 teenagers have sex and she get pregnant, they should be responsable, confront the consequences and not abort. This a very complicated topic to be honest and I could be wrong, but hey! it´s just my opinion

What do you think about this topics? write your opinion down below in the comment section

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

2018 has been an interesting year so far. From study a new career to practice an uncommon dance.
These choices that I made changed my life in a good way, I´m happier than last year without doubt, i was in the wrong place if you know what I mean.

From study to become a dentist to an architect isn´t a small change at all, if you have the time to visit and know how the odontology faculty enviroment is you´ll understand. Architecture is not my first choice , but it's so MUCH better than the previous one. It was really difficult for me, my family wasn´t happy with my choice, mostly because my brother is doctor, my sister is studying medicine and I was the last one to follow that "line". Finally they understood I wasn´t happy.

The second choice that I made was to practice another dance, from salsa and bachata to pole dance. To be honest it was really difficult to find an academy not only for girls. My first day was.....I don´t know how to describe it....it was just weird. I was the only guy in the room. After a few weeks it got better, but some girls weren´t happy with a man around. I understand their point, but it´s not my fault, I really enyoyed pole dancing.
Let´s talk about the good things about pole dancing. It´s so good, it´s complicated as hell at first, but then when you can do an "x" movement that you´ve been practicing it´s really good.

There´s a couple things that made this year better than the last one, so until now it has been a good year, after this week or maybe in December I want to practice swing, it looks so fun....so why not?

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

When I think about it I do not know what to think, because it's not so important to me right now. Yes, of course it's very important, at the end it´ll be the field we'll improve our skills and try to be the best doing that, enyoying the job and always trying to find new ideas. Well.....it's not my case.

I want to do something different with my life, be an arquitech one day and then be a full time frelance artist. maybe a few years to meet people, contacts, different places to visit, factors that will be very important if at the end I decide to do it.

A subject or a field I want to dive into is Photorealism (portrait). I find it so interesting and difficult, it´s so good. The way it changes, different techniques, styles to do the same portrait, it's a whole world of possibilities. I LOVE it.

I would like to do study abroad, 3 cities with no particular order, Madrid, Lviv, Firenze. The different places with so different points of view makes these places so good to improve the different techniques. Firenze has a School very interesting, this school is just to improve portraits with graphite, by the way is my favorite technique to use. In Lviv lives an amazing artist who practices with ballpoint, the details, the way he create different tones is WOW. Back in Italy, lives a painter, my favorite painter without any doubt, his name is Marco Grassi. In Spain lives a girl who has an amazing technique with ballpoint, she creates beautiful pieces, her name is Eva Garrido

I would like to study side by side with these artists, because if I'm there I would bbe able to feel the passion of the artist, a new world of sensations, cultre, a lot of things.

Ashley Moore. F, EVA GARRIDO

The Rolling Stones, EVA GARRIDO


(it´s a PAINTING!!!!!!!!!)

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

when I think about my dream job I only can say being an artist and travel a lot. I´m not talking about being an archictec, I love art, drawing what i want without any restrictions. I imagine working outside, being one with the nature.

There´s a couple places i want to bisit and drawing every single street, landscape, people, because this places are in my heart. a couple cities like Lviv, Bremen, Prague, Lyon, etc. they´re so beautiful to live, to draw, have a life there.

the Salary isn´t important if at the end of the day I´m happy and if i can live my dream. obviously it´ll better if it´s a good amount of money to travel, buy art supplies, food, food and food.

Now I´m studying architecture, because it´s a middle point to achieve my goals. I mean, I like art and this career will give me a good salary to achieve my dream.

as I said my most important dreams is to travel to different places, learn their cultures, their languages (I love learn new languages all the time), draw everything in my trip, it may be at first for a couple months, but I hope one day live every day for rest of my life like this.

And practice and practice and practice to be a better artist and one day be one of the best photorealism artist

My favorite subject in high school

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

the interest view that Peter Calthorpe gives us. Calthorpe gives a couple examples, different grafics to understand better the situation. 
he says in the future the  increase of population will be a big problem for the human being. The way we build the cities will be very important. Another point que talks about is to reduce sprawl and produce higher quality urban places. he gives 7 principles to build better cities:

.the first one is Preserve natural ecologies, cultural heritage sites and agrarian landscapes. Growing smart is the solution to this problem, the difference between this 2 ways to organize the cities. Also it changes the way and quality of life.

-the second is create mixed-use and mixed-income neighborhoods. young with older people, differents interaction with the others.

-he talks about walk, peter says that it´s important to design walkable streets and human scale neighborhoods to interact. in these points he gives us examples about the distances in 2 cities and how money cost, one of them is drive a car, it´s very expensive for us.

-he wants to prioritize bicycle networks and have auto-free street. this point with the preious context. it´s the most efficient way to transport. in China is full of bicycle networks, they want to bring back their cyclist history.

- He says we should increase density of road network and other point is to limit block side. again the interaction with people is very import, in this block side people dont know each other.

-Again he explain the point of ride is about the organization of the cityes with traffict, it´ll be hard, but it´s possible.

- the last point is to match density and mix to transit capacity. it has to be in this way.

My point of view is like his point of view without any doubt. it´ll be hard, but we can do it

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018


why dancing is so important to me?
which dance is my favourite?
when and where did I learn to dance?

Dance is the best thing ever. When u dance, doesn´t matter what problem u have in your life, everything disappears, u only feel hapiness, the movement of your body following the rythm of the music. at first like every person I was just moving with music, without rythm or anything like that and well......the music I used to listen wasn´t the best to do it, maybe for special moment with that slow dance holding each other arms.

Last year my whole life changed, the way I live every day. 2017, my first year living in Santiago, studying another career, i had the chance to practice salsa. Salsa is my favourite dance without any doubt, I can´t describe that feeling when I dance, even if I have a terrible day I know it´s the best medicine.

The place that changed my life was Danson, an amazing academy. there I met a lot of people and couple friends. Dance salsa may be the best dance ever if u love that rythm, fast, it depends of the song and the type of salsa, on2, casino, La, cabaret, and also the origin of it, it´s very different if u compare cuban salsa with colombian salsa, I prefer the first one. I remember every thursday when with the academy we used to go to differents salsotecas like Orixas, Mangosta, Tierra Dura, Havana salsa. That for me is a real party.

Now I don´t have enough time to practice it in the academy, but i´m always dancing. This year I tried to dance pole dance, but that´s another story......lol
If u have the chance to dance in your day, DANCE.

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

Music for me is my life, to live without music may be hell. I´m always listening different styles of music, from jazz, blues, so relaxing to work, in the other side salsa, bachata, mambo. a middle point is probably pop-rock. One of my favorites pop groups is Dvicio. They´re from Spain, at first they were even unknow in Spain, but in 2015 it changed with their hit "Enamorate". Their main singer is Andrés Ceballos. They´re all childhood´s friends. This boy band has two strong things to succeed, talent and be all of them cute as hell.

One week ago they had a new release called "5 sentidos" with another spanish group called Taburete. It´s SO GOOD!!!!. Last year they announced a concert in Club Amanda, a relative small place (it´s for parties), because they don´t have so much influence on chilean people.......yet.
 This was the best concert without any doubt. I sang (well.....sing isn´t the most accurate word to describe it lol). I loved when they sang "Sácame de aqui", because the story behind the song is so cute and sad (long distance relationship), but at the same time has the energy, the power to say, to ask be with that special one.

After the concert was over, for me it was just the half of all this experience. Meet & Greet with Dvicio. This was so important to me, because i had the chance to give them my drawings (I drew five portraits of them). They loved my drawings and talked about it the next day.

Go to a concert is a must in every life list, you can feel and be part of the journey of your favorite artist, all the fans singing with u is something you should live.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

there is a couple places that i want to visit in my life, for differents reasons, but they´re all very important to me. Countries: Germany, Ukraine, France, Czech republic. in the next minute u will know why this places are important in my life and why.

The first one, germany. I have a friend or at least I used to have a friend there, she is from bremen. tbh i dont want to talk about it, it´s complicated, visit that place is one of my goals, if u ask me about what is my motivation....this is one of the most important.

Ukraine, this place has a beautiful architecture, lviv, a city in the south of the country has a lot of things that makes me want to visit it. the main reason is one of my best Friends is living there now and well....as you know the distance sometimes is a problem. 

France, a city near to Lyon in particular, a very good friend lives there, we usually do videocalls, calls to be more "closer", but i want to give her a huge hug, 2 years since the last time we did it, it hurst, but I would wait 2 years more if there´s a chance to hang out again.

Prague, Czech Republic, this place has been a part of my life the last 2 years, a couple things good turned into bad.........that´s all i´m gonna say about Prague lol

This 4 cities, for differents reasons, love for the architecture, friendship and more, are part of my life, all of them are my goals. I hope in 4 or 5 years visit all the places I mencioned. for u, which places in the whole world do u want to visit?