miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Learn a new language is very important today, it opens a lot of doors, it gives you a new vision of the world. English isn´t my favourite language, I prefer italian or ukrainian. These languages have an interesting "touch", when you speak italian, the pronunciation change the way you say the same thing, when you do it, you´re a new person, it's the same with ukrainian, from the way they write to the way they speak makes of this language an amazing thing to learn.

Let´s talk about learning english at university. At least for me it´s very good, It really helps me with my pronunciation and to write better. Write blogs helps me to organize my thoughts and write better as I said.
The aspects that I need to improve is my pronunciation, it´s hard for me to pronounce a couple things, I don´t know, maybe it´s because I used to practice other languages with a different pronunciation and intonation. It´s very different the way to speak english than italian, I´m used to speak more italian.

Outside the english class I use english every day, when I watch videos on youtube, reviews of fragrances, a couple videos of footwork (salsa), when I watch series (I usually watch series without subtitles), when I want to know something about a thing most of the times is in english, so I have to use it. Also when I text one of my friends from Lyon. I use it a lot, today English is an universal language, we must to learn and use english every single day.

Today doesn´t matter what, you must to know english if you want more opportunities for everything, as I said it opens a lot of doors, even knowing only spanish and english isn´t enough in some places, so why we should speak only 2 languages? It´s so interesting learn new languages and cultures. Learn any language only brings you good things.

Studying Architecture

For me architecture is a beautiful career, but there´s a lot of things that make it a very bad one.
this is my first years studying this career so I don´t know so much like others, until now the subjects are very abstract, they teach us about the different spaces, shades, how to describe an space in a good way, analize different parts of santiago and other things.

Without any doubt one of the worst things of study architecture is the workload. There´s days I don´t sleep at all, because I have to do model or similar. Yesterday I was dancing in the academy and literally I had to stop because I was so tired and I couldn´t do the combination, I felt my body so heavy, when it ended I went to my apartment to sleep. This is something very common in an architecture student´s life. Sometimes all the effort give us a good result, but sometimes it doesn´t.

we all know that in Fau we have a lot of problems, in some areas of the university it looks like it´s falling apart (and It´s!!!), It´s a very old building. We deserve a better place to study, it´s really shocking the contrast of FAU with FEN.

The teaching methods in fau is complicated topic to talk about, I have teachers that make me improve always, but i´ve had some "experiences" with a couple teachers that made me think I wasn´t enough and It shouldn´t be like this. Some of them shouldn´t be teaching, because they´re bad at it, it´s just simple as that.

Studying architecture here has pros and cons, but I still like the career.

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

When you have a pet  your life becomes better, dogs, cats, hamsters, the typical animals. Most of people prefer a "new" dog than a Street dog, it´s a shame. I think is neccesary to change this mentality. Buy a new better doesn´t make it better, just as simple like that. I prefer without doubt that adoption is better, buying a pet makes them an object, a thing i´m sure they aren´t.

Now we´re talking about pets, let´s talk about exotic pets. I think it depends of the conditions of the situation, I´ve read some situations where people save this animals, because they don´t have an opportunity to live in the nature. another case is just because people want to have it, to upload photos in their social medias, they don´t care about is their pet is good or if they have the right conditions to keep it.

Immigration, It doesn´t have any relation with the previous topic at first, but for me it does. Here in chile happens a particular situation, with people from a "Important" country for example Germany, USA, Chileans becomes the better host they could ever ask, but it´s the opposite with people from....i don´t know, Haiti for example. Chileans treat them like animals, they take advantage of their poor situation, most of the chileans becomes a nightmare. I hate them so much, this kind of people is one of the worst thing in the world. people who leaves all behind to get more opportunities for their families doesn´t deserve this. Not all the people have a good situation to be "legal", they just want to escape from their countries in some situations. It´s pretty obvious that I disagree with people like Trump.

The last topic I want to talk today is about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases. My personal opinion is that people who have the power in Chile and make the laws seems to take womens as an animal who can´t have an opinion. For me women should have the power to decide what happens with their bodies and do something about it. However I have an internal conflict when I think it´s correct the proposition of make it legal in 3 cases, because in a situation like 2 teenagers have sex and she get pregnant, they should be responsable, confront the consequences and not abort. This a very complicated topic to be honest and I could be wrong, but hey! it´s just my opinion

What do you think about this topics? write your opinion down below in the comment section