miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

2018 has been an interesting year so far. From study a new career to practice an uncommon dance.
These choices that I made changed my life in a good way, I´m happier than last year without doubt, i was in the wrong place if you know what I mean.

From study to become a dentist to an architect isn´t a small change at all, if you have the time to visit and know how the odontology faculty enviroment is you´ll understand. Architecture is not my first choice , but it's so MUCH better than the previous one. It was really difficult for me, my family wasn´t happy with my choice, mostly because my brother is doctor, my sister is studying medicine and I was the last one to follow that "line". Finally they understood I wasn´t happy.

The second choice that I made was to practice another dance, from salsa and bachata to pole dance. To be honest it was really difficult to find an academy not only for girls. My first day was.....I don´t know how to describe it....it was just weird. I was the only guy in the room. After a few weeks it got better, but some girls weren´t happy with a man around. I understand their point, but it´s not my fault, I really enyoyed pole dancing.
Let´s talk about the good things about pole dancing. It´s so good, it´s complicated as hell at first, but then when you can do an "x" movement that you´ve been practicing it´s really good.

There´s a couple things that made this year better than the last one, so until now it has been a good year, after this week or maybe in December I want to practice swing, it looks so fun....so why not?

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

When I think about it I do not know what to think, because it's not so important to me right now. Yes, of course it's very important, at the end it´ll be the field we'll improve our skills and try to be the best doing that, enyoying the job and always trying to find new ideas. Well.....it's not my case.

I want to do something different with my life, be an arquitech one day and then be a full time frelance artist. maybe a few years to meet people, contacts, different places to visit, factors that will be very important if at the end I decide to do it.

A subject or a field I want to dive into is Photorealism (portrait). I find it so interesting and difficult, it´s so good. The way it changes, different techniques, styles to do the same portrait, it's a whole world of possibilities. I LOVE it.

I would like to do study abroad, 3 cities with no particular order, Madrid, Lviv, Firenze. The different places with so different points of view makes these places so good to improve the different techniques. Firenze has a School very interesting, this school is just to improve portraits with graphite, by the way is my favorite technique to use. In Lviv lives an amazing artist who practices with ballpoint, the details, the way he create different tones is WOW. Back in Italy, lives a painter, my favorite painter without any doubt, his name is Marco Grassi. In Spain lives a girl who has an amazing technique with ballpoint, she creates beautiful pieces, her name is Eva Garrido

I would like to study side by side with these artists, because if I'm there I would bbe able to feel the passion of the artist, a new world of sensations, cultre, a lot of things.

Ashley Moore. F, EVA GARRIDO

The Rolling Stones, EVA GARRIDO


(it´s a PAINTING!!!!!!!!!)